Forsythe Legacy: A Continuation – 8.24

Deer and the Rainbow Bridge:
(originally published at on 1/5/2022)

A deer was grazing on the property this morning.

Dominick and Tanika were flirting in the sub-basement. Dominick was constantly finding Tanika to flirt with her and kiss her.

Dominick became delusional, and breathing into a paper bag didn’t help. He had to be admitted to the hospital. Tanika waited for him to be released so she could drive him home.

Greggory Gaddis-Crouch had finally reached adult status. He was a fairy and outlived his wives, Raquel Forsythe and Alexa Forsythe. They were part of the sixth generation. His son, Elroy Forsythe-Crouch, was an elder.

Tanika read Derek a bedtime story.

Zhan and Karen had a private moment. Wouldn’t it be a little cramped in there?

All of the rocking chairs were full. Busy night in the cemetery.

Bart Forsythe and Irma Forsythe-Crouch started dating. They were second cousins.

~texansky~ “Affections appear to be developing between local sims Bart Forsythe and Irma Forsythe-Crouch, after they were heard openly commenting on each others mad kissing skills.”

Kristy Forsythe-MacDonald had become an elder and retired from her career.

Allan Hamlin-Forsythe also had a birthday and retired.

Lawrence Crouch-Bach became a teenager.

~texansky~ “Lawrence has reached his teen years. Angst and raging hormones can make this a difficult period for any Sim. Lawrence can now join the work force by taking a part-time job, although his grades are still a big factor in his future success.”

Ben Forsythe and Lena Hamlin-Beam started dating.

~texansky~ “Affections appear to be developing between local sims Ben Forsythe and Lena Hamlin-Beam, after they were heard openly commenting on each others mad kissing skills.”

Faith had taken up a family pass-time, writing.

~texansky~ “Congratulations! Faith has just improved her Writing Skill to level 4!
“Faith’s fingers may be a tad sore, but the calluses will heal and key replacements for keyboards are cheap. Keep typing away, and that masterpiece will be within Faith’s verbose grasp.
“Faith now possesses the touch to pen Humor Novels. The neighborhood can always use a little more funny.”

Noah and Lorena had three children together but did not live together. They are second cousins.

~texansky~ “Love does not follow a schedule, as Lorena Hamlin-Forsythe found out when her partner decided to drop everything he was doing and high-tail it over to Lorena’s home. ‘It was a sweet gesture. I love Noah Forsythe-Crouch for it.’”

Sharla Crouch-MacDonald just celebrated a birthday. She was now a teenager.

Remo Lestat had passed on. He was the puppy they found in Craven Lestat’s house after he died. Craven’s other dog, Austin Lestat, also passed after Craven did. The headstones for Craven and his dogs were moved to the Forsythe family cemetery to honor an old friend.

~texansky~ “Remo Lestat has passed on. Old age inevitably comes for each Sim, but what’s important is that a full life was lived.”

Ben took after his fourth great-grandmother and was a writer.

~texansky~ “‘I use my own life experiences to ensure realism in my work.’ noted Ben Forsythe, while talking with a neighbor in between chapters of his new book. ‘Don’t tell anyone though, I don’t want them getting the wrong impression about how exciting my life really is… I prefer to keep it on the down-low, ya know?’”

Ursula Lawson-MacDonald came home with Derek after school and did homework together. She didn’t leave until the wee hours of the morning. I hope the police didn’t pick her up for breaking curfew.

~texansky~ “Derek Spann-Crouse just worked on his homework with Ursula Lawson-MacDonald. He’ll always remember putting their heads together to solve that really hard problem!”

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